Learning about Gardening
Serving Within the Community
The basic charter of the Garden Club is to learn more about gardening – both members and community alike.
The club also serves the greater Lebanon Community by personally tending to:
* The Historic Mermaid House gardens,
* “Rose Corner” at the southern intersection of Hwys 4 and 50,
* window boxes at the United States Post Office,
* planting trees in College Hill Cemetery
* as well as teaching gardening to various groups with participants from 9 – 90 years old.
The Garden Club of Lebanon also looks for opportunities to partner with residents and merchants in various ways to bring gardening beauty to Lebanon and the surrounding areas.

You do not have to be Garden Club member to participate in our club and special activities. Volunteers are always encouraged and welcome to participate. Contact any club member or just show up and introduce yourself. You’ll immediately be among great friends!
In addition to this website, check out our current events on Facebook.