Our Mission
To encourage interest in home gardening, promote civic pride, and improve the overall appearance of our community.
The Garden Club of Lebanon has resumed our monthly activities. Upcoming gatherings include:
April 14 – Abby Ford will be talking about using herbs for tinctures, health, etc.
We meet in the Horner Park Hall with fellowship at 6:30PM and presentation at 7. A business meeting may follow the presentation.
Our May activity will be the Lebanon May Market.
June will bring back our Garden Tour. (More information to be announced as we get closer.)
Our March gathering of Lebanon Gardeners was quite informative with Lisa Dean giving us examples of her gardens being prepared for new seasons.
Very good advice was the use of a testing facility to give you a heads up for the conditions of your soil. One facility (of several) is SGS Alvey Laboratory, 1511 East Main Street, Belleville, IL. Getting your soil tested ever three or four years is prudent as mother nature is constantly changing for many different reasons.
Thank you Lisa for another visit to our group and all the great information.
Thank you to Larry Ford for teaching us about preparing our garden tools for the upcoming season. This is the second time Larry has presented this topic, but it holds true today as it did a few years ago.
March brings Lisa Dean back to Lebanon for a talk on preparing our garden for the season. Great information that will benefit any gardener of any level.
Join Us, March 10, 2025 at 6:30PM (social) and 7:00 PM for Lisa’s presentation.
Springtime– though the temps as I write this are in the teens – BRRR! I know that temps will be getting warmer and spring flowers and buds on trees will be appearing in the next few weeks. Lately I have been seeing and reading several articles about how plants can improve[i] our health. There have been numerous studies conducted worldwide about this and found a compilation about many in an article by Charles Hall and Melinda Knuth 1.
Some of the positive benefits from plants noted:
-Reduced stress and anxiety resulting in reduced blood pressure and pulse rates
-Decreased clinical depression symptoms
-Increased self-esteem, happiness, and life satisfaction
-Enhanced memory retention
-Reduced effects of dementia
-Increased creativity, enhanced productivity and attention
Children in elementary classrooms with a “green wall” (plants) scored better on tests for selective attention and positively influenced the children’s classroom evaluation. By incorporating school gardens their physical activity level was increased and having playgrounds with green space and spending breaks outside improved their concentration. Just placing a few plants resulted in improved performance.
Women are noted to experience more stress than men when away from nature. One study of elderly women who participated in gardening activities versus those who remained inside had improved muscle mass and hand dexterity, along with decreased waist circumference.
Did you know that having trees in a town can bring positive health benefits to its citizens? Just 10 trees in a block can improve personal health that would be like being 7 years younger though decreasing cardio-metabolic conditions (heart rate, blood pressure, etc).
So how can you get the benefits of nature? For now just look out your windows at the snow, birds, and trees. As the temperatures warm take a walk to look at spring flowers, buds on trees, plant a garden or some flowers, sit under a shade tree in the summer. Plan a vacation to beaches, mountains, forests, or wherever. We are so fortunate that we live in an area where green space is abundant outside our homes. In offices having a plant can provide the benefit of nature especially if you do not have windows to look out.
[i] Hall, C& Knuth,M. (2019, March). An Update of the Literature Supporting the Well-Being benefits of Plants: A review of the Emotional and Mental Health Benefits of Plants. J. Environ Hort, 37(1):30-38.
Our final meeting of the 2024 year was held on 11 November at the Horner Park Hall. After a short social, we learned an awful lot about “Air Plants”. Lisa Dean did an excellent job showing and teaching about how to grow them, where not to have them, and how to maintain them.
A wonderful source of information into these amazing plants, check out the ragnaroc website at ragnaroc.com . Click on the image above or scan the QR code below for easy access.
In addition, Lisa gave us the following sources:
* Success with House Plants (Reader’s Digest)
* The Ortho Home Gardener’s Problem Solver
* www.ourhouseplants.com
* www.houseplants.com
* University of Illinois Extension Service
Our next meeting will be in February of 2025. Watch this space for additional information.
Thank you to Betsy Alexander from the St. Louis Master Gardener’s Speakers Bureau for helping us to protect our gardens during the frigid weather. We discovered how frigid weather causes damage, how to identify problems, and learn how to prevent or avoid issues.
We met at the Horner Park Hall for social time at 6:30PM with the presentation at 7 PM. All are welcome.
Have you noticed Garden Club members working diligently in the Mini Park? How about within the Mermaid Inn garden?
Truth be known, the members of the Garden Club of Lebanon take great pride in keeping both of these gardens looking good. You are always welcome to visit either one, sit a spell, and enjoy.
While sitting there, take a look around. City crews mow the mini-park, and Garden Club members maintain the plants by weeding, planting new areas and removing those that have come to their end.
At the Mermaid House, Garden Club members mow, weed, plant, water, and anything else to keep the gardens looking wonderful.
Yes, we spend quite a bit of time getting ready for different events such as the FALL FESTIVAL, but this maintenance actually goes on year round.
On Your Marks
Get Set
The calendar says it is now SPRING! The 34 degrees outside may be in opposition to that thought, but heck – it was almost 80 a couple of days ago.
Another sign of SPRING is when the Garden Club refills the Seed Library at our local Library. Dozens of our members (and non-members) got together and bagged seeds to be given to the general public. Just stop at the Lebanon Public Library and take a look at our offerings!
Happy Gardening
Don’t forget to check the charts as to when to plant what. Not every seed loves cold weather. (Not every gardener loves it as well.)
Fall Festival 2024 was October 5th with the Garden Club once again selling Schwartz Apple Cider.
Apple Cider left our booth in cups, 1/2 gallons, and full gallons. Samples were provided and convinced quite a few to pick up a larger container.
Thank you to all that purchased as the funds from this sale go to helping us maintain several projects around town all year long.
Preparing for the 2024 Touch-A-Truck/Farmer’s Market.
It was a good time with the GCoL providing “bouquet materials” as well as a “create a pot” for the kids to take home.
Editor’s Note: With the dissolution of the Horner Park Boosters, the 2024 Touch-a-Truck will be the last one. Thank you to all Garden Club members that provided materials for all the Touch-a-Truck gatherings over the past several years.
Our July 2024 meeting was a field trip to the O’Fallon Garden Club’s wonderful “Community Garden” on State Street in O’Fallon.
OFGC President, Sarah Lambaria, was our guide through the 1.5 acre garden now in it’s 13th year, located on vacant land owned by the city.
Numerous raised garden beds are rented by members of the community, providing beautiful produce and flowers which were noted on our tour.
The club members have a large produce garden and give yearly to the local food pantry. Last year they provided 5,000 lbs of produce. This is recognized as the most of any garden in the National Garden Club.
Many thanks to Sarah for sharing and showing on what was a very warm but most enjoyable evening for all the GCoL members.
The June meeting of the Garden Club of Lebanon was held at the Mermaid House Garden, 114 East St Louis Street, Lebanon.
Duane Olsen presented on “Herbs and Spring Planting”.
The talk was very interesting, focusing on 4 herbs that you would not normally consider for cooking. The samples were delicious and it was reported that there was none left at the end of the evening.
Thank You Duane (soon to be “Master Gardener”)!
BTW – The Mermaid House Garden is one of the Garden Club of Lebanon maintained gardens in the city. Yes – we are proud of it!
May 10, 2024
From the “Rock Pile” north of Lebanon
Image of the Northern Lights captured by Sandy Perkins.
Marty Malone – the Beekeeper has some words of wisdom for all of us (Repeated from FaceBook):
This year’s education schedule is coming together.
Already in February we heard about “Succulents” (of which I had no idea) and in March the topic was “Bee Keeping”. Here again, great information was presented.
A week later than usual, our April meeting had us all a buzz with our own Sandy Perkins bringing us up to date on Cicadas. It appears that there will be more than enough this year as both the 13-year and 17-year broods emerg in the same year. Come and find out more. (Don’t forget the annuals are also making an appearance.)
In May, we will be attending to business at the yearly “May Market”, so there will NOT be a meeting. Instead, we will be working several days in preparing for, attending, and then putting away all that is necessary for this fun event.
More is being planned all throughout the summer and fall, so stay tuned.
If you are looking for when to plant what, The Illinois Extension offers information as to when to do just that. Good information, and we have duplicated it on our Facebook page (see link above).
Some more great advice. Check out our Facebook page for even more!
If you enjoy the wonder that is a Hummingbird, then it is time to clean up those feeders. We have already had quite a few visitors at our feeders here in Lebanon!!!
Welcome back little friends!
For an interactive map, may we suggest the folks at Hummingbird Central.
Also, the Audubon Society have some great information on their page.
Many thanks to our Lebanon Public Library for once again allowing us to present our “Seed Library” within their building.
Seeds are provided free of charge. All have been labeled. The first label identifies the seed. The second is a QR code that will take you to the Seed Library page on our website.
Our librarians are really great, but don’t expect them to have the answers to information about the seeds. (Use the weblink!)
Our April 15th meeting was all about CICADAS!
Sandy Perkins presented a very indepth and interesting talk that kept everyone’s attention. Thank you Sandy.
With 13 year and 17 year “broods” as well as the annual brood coming out this year, we can prepare for some very noisy nights.
Thanks Sandy!
* Peg Gerdes – President
* Jonathan Svoboda – Past President
* Patty Taylor & Susie Stevenson – Co-treasurers
* Brenda Pehle – Recorder
* Sandy Perkins & Jonathan Svoboda – Programs
* De Laird & Janet Hadley – Membership
* Terry & Marsha Ernst & Cody Feldt – Communications
* Al Gerdes – Webmaster – (Non-voting. Just likes to see his name amongst the real workers.)
The Heartland Conservancy has several activities on their calendar. Check out their website.
Though not directly a “gardener” page, this page has several fun things for the kids (and adults) to do concerning digging in outdoors. Check it out for yourself!
From “Non-Gardener” and “Rank Amateur” to “Master Gardener” or “Master Naturalist”, the amount of knowledge within the members of the Garden Club of Lebanon is amazing. We learn from each other, help each other, and in the process help the community around us!
“Membership” is another word for “Friendship”. You will love how we all become friends! Working together on our projects we become a team. Membership dues help with the costs behind the scenes. Your membership card provides for discounts at local garden supply vendors. See the membership page for further details.
Did you grab some pics of the gardens on the tour? We would love it if you share?
If you would, please send them via email to webmaster@gardencluboflebanon.org. Make sure we have your information (so we can properly credit the image), and if you know which garden that would be helpful as well.
Thank you in advance!
To encourage interest in home gardening, promote civic pride, and improve the overall appearance of our community.