Tuesday, October 15, 2024
... We are working on a new format for this website. Any and all GCoL members are encouraged to speak up and help with new ideas! Contact Al.    Fall Festival 2024 - October 5th from 9am till 4pm. For Cider Sales information, click here.    ... Visit our Facebook Page!!! New Information posted often! ...
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FFA at May Market
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October Meeting – 14th at 6:30 PM

Betsy Alexander from the St. Louis Master Gardener’s Speakers Bureau will be helping us to protect our gardens during the frigid weather.  We will discover how frigid weather causes damage, how to identify problems, and learn how to prevent or avoid issues.

We meet at the Horner Park Hall for social time at 6:30PM with the presentation at 7 PM.  All are welcome.

Have You Noticed… ?

Have you noticed Garden Club members working diligently in the Mini Park?  How about within the Mermaid Inn garden?

Truth be known, the members of the Garden Club of Lebanon take great pride in keeping both of these gardens looking good.  You are always welcome to visit either one, sit a spell, and enjoy.

While sitting there, take a look around.  City crews mow the mini-park, and Garden Club members maintain the plants by weeding, planting new areas and removing those that have come to their end.

At the Mermaid House, Garden Club members mow, weed, plant, water, and anything else to keep the gardens looking wonderful.

Yes, we spend quite a bit of time getting ready for different events such as the FALL FESTIVAL, but this maintenance actually goes on year round.

Native Seed Collection Training

Training is open to everyone and is provided by The Nature Conservancy.  It is self-paced and full of good information.

Peggy’s Ponderings – Summer

The heat is on!!  We are definitely in summer feeling the warmer temperatures and humidity.  Plants are continuing to grow, and many are producing vegetables.   I have already had several tomatoes from my vines which were delicious.   The vines were full, and I was looking to more ripening in the next couple weeks – but the squirrels had different plans.   I went out one morning and most of the tomatoes were picked off the vine and gone.   I still have a few and am hoping that more will come with warmer weather.

As I walk around town, the flowers in gardens are blooming making it a pretty walk.   My suggestion is to take a stroll early in the morning or later in the afternoon to enjoy the flowers.  We know that being out in nature is relaxing and good therapy for better health.  See if you can find bees, butterflies, or other pollinators that are also sharing our plants and helping them to grow.

At this time, we are going to start planning our garden tour next year and looking to see if we want a spring or fall tour.   If anyone has a garden they would like to share on the tour please contact our garden club members as we are now on the lookout.   In the meantime, happy gardening!

Congratulations to Hannah Krumsieg

Hannah Krumsieg was awarded the annual Garden Club of Lebanon Scholarship on Tuesday May 7, 2024 by Club President Peggy Gerdes.

Garden to Table 2024

The Annual “Garden to Table” was a very nice night sharing stories, hints about growing some interesting plants and enjoying quite a few varied culinary delights.  We also welcomed several visitors and a new member into our club.

Big thanks to all attended.

Note that we also reviewed all the upcoming events the club is participating in.  Watch for our announcements – such as the “Touch A Truck” put on by the Horner Park Boosters.

Click for pictures from earlier tables.

Fall Festival 2024

Fall Festival 2024 was October 5th with the Garden Club once again selling Schwartz Apple Cider.

Apple Cider left our booth in cups, 1/2 gallons, and full gallons.  Samples were provided and convinced quite a few to pick up a larger container.

Thank you to all that purchased as the funds from this sale go to helping us maintain several projects around town all year long.

Into the Streets 2024

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Touch-A-Truck 2024

Preparing for the 2024 Touch-A-Truck/Farmer’s Market.

Peg prepares clay pots that will be decorated at this year’s Market at Horner Park

The 3rd Annual Horner Park Boosters’ “Touch-A-Truck and Farmer’s Market” took place on August 17th at the Park Main Parking Lot. (Click here for the Boosters’ page.)

It was a good time with the GCoL providing “bouquet materials” as well as a “create a pot” for the kids to take home.


A Visit to O’Fallon – July 15, 2024

Image from O’Fallon Garden Club website. Credited to Carol Boone

Our July 2024 meeting was a field trip to the O’Fallon Garden Club’s wonderful “Community Garden” on State Street in O’Fallon.

OFGC President, Sarah Lambaria, was our guide through the 1.5 acre garden now in it’s 13th year, located on vacant land owned by the city.

Numerous raised garden beds are rented by members of the community, providing beautiful produce and flowers which were noted on our tour.

The club members have a large produce garden and give yearly to the local food pantry. Last year they provided 5,000 lbs of produce.  This is recognized as the most of any garden in the National Garden Club.

Members of the Garden Club of Lebanon listen intently to Sarah Lambaria about the O’Fallon Community Garden

Many thanks to Sarah for sharing and showing on what was a very warm but most enjoyable evening for all the GCoL members.


June in the Garden

The June meeting of the Garden Club of Lebanon was held at the Mermaid House Garden, 114 East St Louis Street, Lebanon.

Image by Terry Ernst

Duane Olsen presented on “Herbs and Spring Planting”.

The talk was very interesting, focusing on 4 herbs that you would not normally consider for cooking.  The samples were delicious and it was reported that there was none left at the end of the evening.

Thank You Duane (soon to be “Master Gardener”)!

BTW – The Mermaid House Garden is one of the Garden Club of Lebanon maintained gardens in the city.  Yes – we are proud of it!

Gardening In The Sky

May 10, 2024
From the “Rock Pile” north of Lebanon
Image of the Northern Lights captured by Sandy Perkins.


Marty Malone – the Beekeeper has some words of wisdom for all of us (Repeated from FaceBook):

With the spring temperatures rising there should be an increase in honey bee swarms. Here’s what you can do if you see a swarm.
1. Do not spray the bees with water or insecticides.
2. Do not disturb the bees and keep your distance.
3. Contact a local beekeeper to collect the swarm.
Please don’t hesitate to FaceBook message me and I’ll gladly collect the swarm or help find a fellow beekeeper who can.

Plans for Learning and Sharing

This year’s education schedule is coming together.

Already in February we heard about “Succulents” (of which I had no idea) and in March the topic was “Bee Keeping”.  Here again, great information was presented.

A week later than usual, our April meeting had us all a buzz with our own Sandy Perkins bringing us up to date on Cicadas.  It appears that there will be more than enough this year as both the 13-year and 17-year broods emerg in the same year.  Come and find out more.  (Don’t forget the annuals are also making an appearance.)

In May, we will be attending to business at the yearly “May Market”, so there will NOT be a meeting. Instead, we will be working several days in preparing for, attending, and then putting away all that is necessary for this fun event.

More is being planned all throughout the summer and fall, so stay tuned.

If you are looking for when to plant what, The Illinois Extension offers information as to when to do just that.   Good information, and we have duplicated it on our Facebook page (see link above).


May Market 2024

What a great day and fine turnout.


May Market Information

Just Getting Started?

They Are Here! (Hummingbirds)

If you enjoy the wonder that is a Hummingbird, then it is time to clean up those feeders.  We have already had quite a few visitors at our feeders here in Lebanon!!!

Welcome back little friends!

For an interactive map, may we suggest the folks at Hummingbird Central. 

Also, the Audubon Society have some great information on their page.

Our Seed Library is OPEN!

Many thanks to our Lebanon Public Library for once again allowing us to present our “Seed Library” within their building.

Seeds are provided free of charge.  All have been labeled.  The first label identifies the seed.  The second is a QR code that will take you to the Seed Library page on our website.

Our librarians are really great, but don’t expect them to have the answers to information about the seeds.  (Use the weblink!)


Can We All Say – “Cicadas”?

Our April 15th meeting was all about CICADAS!

Sandy Perkins presented a very indepth and interesting talk that kept everyone’s attention.  Thank you Sandy.

With 13 year and 17 year “broods” as well as the annual brood coming out this year, we can prepare for some very  noisy nights.

Thanks Sandy!


Our Garden Club Officers for 2024:

* Peg Gerdes – President
* Jonathan Svoboda – Past President
* Patty Taylor & Susie Stevenson – Co-treasurers
* Brenda Pehle – Recorder
* Sandy Perkins & Jonathan Svoboda – Programs
* De Laird & Janet Hadley – Membership
* Terry & Marsha Ernst & Cody Feldt – Communications
* Al Gerdes – Webmaster – (Non-voting.  Just likes to see his name amongst the real workers.)


Heartland Conservancy Information Available

The Heartland Conservancy has several activities on their calendar.  Check out their website.

Julie Kids’ Pages

Though not directly a “gardener” page, this page has several fun things for the kids (and adults) to do concerning digging in outdoors.  Check it out for yourself!

Membership Has Its Benefits!

From “Non-Gardener” and “Rank Amateur” to “Master Gardener” or “Master Naturalist”, the amount of knowledge within the members of the Garden Club of Lebanon is amazing. We learn from each other, help each other, and in the process help the community around us!

“Membership” is another word for “Friendship”.  You will love how we all become friends!  Working together on our projects we become a team. Membership dues help with the costs behind the scenes.  Your membership card provides for discounts at local garden supply vendors. See the membership page for further details.

Pictures Wanted!

Did you grab some pics of the gardens on the tour?  We would love it if you share?

If you would, please send them via email to webmaster@gardencluboflebanon.org.  Make sure we have your information (so we can properly credit the image), and if you know which garden that would be helpful as well.

Thank you in advance!